The Lifecode Tarot Tribe

Trying to figure out how book meanings apply to your readings can be….aaargh maddening!

I want to introduce you to The Life Code – Tarot Tribe

So you can overcome that frustration and make Tarot make sense.

The Life Code Tarot deck and system doesn’t only teach you Tarot and skyrocket your readings.

 It’s about using Tarot in a whole new way.

As a spiritual path, a philosophy and as a way of changing the next chapter of your life.

The traditional way of learning Tarot,  requires us to commit cards to memory and learn them.

The Life Code System helps you  see the whole of Tarot in a completely connected way.  Instead of learning individual card meanings, we put the cards in context by learning the stories that run through Tarot.  We, as humans are hard-wired to learn from stories instinctively. We connect with them emotionally because they mean something to us.  Once we know the stories, we begin to feel the meanings of the cards more intuitively and that’s when things get magicial!

This system also connects the Major Arcana to the Minor Arcana in a new way, which again helps shape a better emotional, deeper understanding of the Major cards and their role in the Tarot deck.

It also helps you understand the Court Cards more easily by making them real and relatable.

Janis King - the Lifecode Tarot Tribe

If You Want To

  • Explore Tarot as a way of raising your vibration and changing your experience of life.
  • Learn about ‘energy’ and how we can take control of it and change it to create different outcomes.
  • Build a healthier relationship or find new relationships. 
  • Stop feeling guilty about…anything.
  • Feel more comfortable and confident in your body 
  • Learn to love life and be delighted with yourself in the process 
  • Find a tribe of supportive, interesting people who are walking a similar path.
  • Stop listening to those negative thoughts about yourself and start feeling AMAZING.
  • I believe in you, and I know that you have more power than you think you do.

Let me be your guide in this journey. I’ve come through all the same challenges (and more, trust me) and I’ve love to show you how it works.

Come and join my private membership, The Tarot Tribe, and see the power that comes from changing the way you see life.

Everything you need to embrace a positive intuitive, spiritual path in a real world, real life way to feel a bit bolder, more energised and confident.

What the members say

It  was an absolute pleasure and privilege to learn Tarot from Janis King who is one of the masters in this field. Janis is very approachable and patient and has the ability to simplify complex concepts so that it is easy for a lay person to understand. She makes things real by giving examples of situations to which we can all relate. I do feel I am learning to more adventurous, less fearful and cautious, more open to opportunities to grow, develop and lead a richer, more fulfilling life. I’ve also felt inspired to write poetry which has come tumbling out of me, I’m not sure how but I feel that Tarot is the source of this. Whatever the reason, I have found it so lovely to reconnect with my creative side which was alive and well during school and university but seemed to die a slow death thereafter. It’s been hugely satisfying and rather therapeutic. I take my notebook around with me and time just flies as I sit and think and scribble. Thank you for being such an inspiration.  

Karine Guzelian

I found learning with Janis absolutely fascinating. I’ve never seen Tarot described in this way.  When I began, I didn’t have any Tarot knowledge and was thrilled to find it an incredibly enlightening experience. 

 Janis’s creativity, as well as the practical way the information is delivered, really make the experience enjoyable and inspiring. I feel I understand Tarot on a much deeper level now.  Janis is a great teacher. I’m very happy to recommend her to anyone who wants to learn and understand Tarot in a real life way.

Laurie Blake

Our interest in Tarot card started as we are going through our own spiritual journey. We wanted to learn more from the cards, how to read the cards and how this gives an insight about past, present and future.

As a teacher, Janis was fantastic, taking us through the basic knowledge and use of Tarot cards. She has inspired us to keep going deeper into our knowledge about Tarot. We can not thank her enough.

We would definitely recommend Janis to anyone new to Tarot as she is a true professional and gives you the confidence to use the Tarot cards for yourselves or to serve others.

Thank you Janis once again for a beautiful experience

Mary and Ricky

I want to thank Janis for such an inspiring approach to Tarot.  I’ve come away with much reflection and fascination regarding this practice.

Janis skilfully shows us in a step by step process how to see Tarot clearly.  I am now learning to read and interpret the cards more coherently. Her thoughtful and empowering approach has given me a better understanding of events, relationships and big decisions and her resources shine a torch on the beauty of the Tarot.  I am so happy to recommend Janis and this membership to others.

Armine Guzelian

Janis King - The Lifecode Tarot Tribe

What’s Inside The Tarot Tribe Membership Site?

In this group, you’ll get…

  • A fun monthly Tarot clinic with me Janis – so bring your Tarot questions and problems and we’ll get them sorted.
  • Spreads to try for every level of reader
  • A constantly updated library of Tarot tuition videos so you can always find what you need.
  • Guest teachers and workshops on different aspects of Tarot and complimentary practices, such as crystals, mediumship practice, using ceremony and manifestation/law of attraction principals.
  • Access to Tarot based meditations.
  • Free mini self-study courses on different aspects of Tarot
  • And the most incredible community of supportive Tarot folks so you will never feel on your own.

And I’ll be there with you once a month to answer your questions, motivate you and cheer you on as you take this journey together with us. 

The Tribe has been created for to help you use Tarot in real life.

  • Even if you’ve struggled to remember card meanings in the past
  • Even if you can’t make sense of book meanings 
  • Even if you don’t have confidence in yourself to ‘do this’.
  • WITHOUT the need for by ‘rote learning’
  • In a way that you’ll actually enjoy… 
  • Even if you’re an absolute beginner!
  • Even if you’ve been reading Tarot for a while – I’m going to show you a whole new way of seeing and using the cards.

Learning to use Tarot through stories, in a way that actually makes sense.  Putting every card in context so it has an emotional connection in your life.

Learning to build an intuitive connection with the cards that builds and works in your real life.

Leave behind the ‘overwhelm’ that stops many people really building their connection to Tarot.

Have fun learning with a group that is 100% supportive and understanding.

Because we’re all in this together.

Strength tribe image